Selected client cases
Case 1
Background |
Purpose |
- Family owned consumer business in competitive market with significant channel dynamics
- Brands and private labels
- Accelerating losses
- Both blue-collar and white-collar business
- Rapid turnaround and stabilization
- Professionalize company management
- Develop and execute growth strategy
- Turnaround Cookbook with focus on 360 degrees turnaround
- Extensive due diligence
- Chairman and professional board competencies addressing key business issues
- Reorganization and new CEO/management team
- Competence deveopment program for all blue- and white-collars
- Strategy Cookbook with focus on growth and innovation
- Rebranding
- Significant supply chain investments
- Downwards profit trend reversed with accumulated breakeven within six months
- Improved customer and employee satisfaction
- Significant profit growth on both brands and private labels
Case 2
- Partner owned/led B2B trading business with both private and public customers
- Years of revenue and earnings growth significantly hurt by global financial down turn
- Short term turnaround
- Longer term strategy and action plans to regain growth
- Empowering organization
Solutions |
Results |
- Turnaround and Strategy Cookbook process involving board and management team
- Strategic action 1-pagers
- Linking strategy and financial plans, including budget process and follow up
- Implementation plan, including short term turnaround actions
- Communication plan and presentations for both internal and external use
- Board approved strategy and budget
- Top 20 action implementation program kicked-off
- Tools and process for implementation and follw-up on strategic action 1-pagers
- Continuous sparring, follow up and corrective actions
- Significant performance trend shift and growth outlook